“Lucky Baskhar,” directed by Venky Atluri, is a compelling drama that delves into the world of financial crimes, headlined by a stellar performance from Dulquer Salmaan. The film introduces us to Baskhar Kumar, a middle-class bank cashier whose life takes a dramatic turn as he becomes embroiled in a series of financial scams. Set against the backdrop of the 1980s, the narrative offers a fresh perspective on the banking sector, a theme seldom explored in Indian cinema.

Dulquer Salmaan’s portrayal of Baskhar is both charismatic and nuanced, capturing the essence of a man navigating the treacherous waters of financial deceit. His transformation from a debt-ridden employee to a cunning con artist is depicted with remarkable authenticity, making his character both relatable and intriguing. Critics have lauded his performance, with The Indian Express noting that he “ensures everything sails smoothly despite hitting a few road bumps.”

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